- كتاب بسكتبال
دسته: بسكتبال
بازديد: 108 بار
فرمت فايل: pdf
حجم فايل: 9415 كيلوبايت
تعداد صفحات فايل: 180اين فايل شامل دو كتاب مي باشد، يكي براي بسكتبال با ويلچر كه شامل مشخصات زمين و تجهيزات، قوانين و تمرينات اين رشته است و ديگر 101 تمرين براي رشته بسكتبال است كه مي تواند در اين زمينه بسيار مفيد و سودمند باشد
قيمت فايل فقط 2,500 تومان
مقدمه كتاب 101 تمرين بسكتبال
Most physical education teachers and coaches have grown up in a competitive
environment and have experienced the positive and negative effects of competition.
Those teachers and coaches who promote competition must ensure that it is
delivered in a structured way. For those children who do not respond to
competition, another route has to be taken that will offer everybody the opportunity
to succeed.
Since moving into higher education I have been given several opportunities to
reflect on the methods I have used as a PE teacher and a coach, and have been able
to research various other current methods and philosophies. Some coaches prefer
to direct or guide their young players rather than help them to discover; indeed, one
coach questioned why he would spend two weeks helping a player to discover a
skill when he could direct him to learn a point in one hour. The answer is that by
learning for themselves, the young players will develop a better understanding that
will serve them well in later years in a range of sporting activities and social
situations. Whilst the purpose of this book is not to debate different coaching styles
in any detail I do believe that coaches and teachers should be aware of the many
approaches that exist. There is often a healthy and productive compromise that will
aid learning and understanding for their players.مقدمه كتاب بسكتبال با ويلچر
In Canada, wheelchair basketball
enjoys the participation of more than
2,500 member athletes, coaches,
offcials and administrators across
all provinces and territories. As the
sport’s national governing body,
Wheelchair Basketball Canada is
committed to excellence in the
development, support and promotion
of wheelchair basketball programs
and services for all Canadians.
To meet this commitment,
Wheelchair Basketball Canada
delivers programs and services
that strengthen the sport from the
community grassroots level to high
performance competition at the
Paralympic Games. The Long-Term
Athlete Development (LTAD) model
for wheelchair basketball is an
integral part of making this happen.
The LTAD model presented in this
document presents the rationale and
basic guidelines for promoting the
sport and developing our athletes
at the initiation, developmental,
competitive and elite levels in
Canada. Through logical training,
competition and recovery programs
that focus on the needs of athletes
at every stage of maturation and
development, the LTAD model is
designed to achieve Wheelchair
Basketball Canada’s long-term
vision to become the world leader in
wheelchair basketball.قيمت فايل فقط 2,500 تومان
برچسب ها : كتاب بسكتبال , basketball book , basketball books , كتاب آموزشي بسكتبال , آموزش بسكتبال , تمرينات بسكتبال , تمرينات حرفه اي بسكتبال , بسكتبال , آموزه هاي بسكتبال
دوشنبه ۲۲ آبان ۹۶ | ۲۲:۳۲ ۲۲ بازديد